It has been a long time since I've spoken about my knitting, and that is because I haven't really done much or finished anything to speak of. I was still working on the Cadence Socks I was working on back in July. I hated the way that the author had you shift the stitches, and I realized after the heel turn that I hadn't gotten the last shift correct. Still, there was no way I was going to rip out and do the heel turn again, so I just futzed it and did something semi-logical on the foot, but the pattern is basically turned 90ยบ from ideal. It irritated me because I don't like the look as much, plus I had to think really hard about the pattern, so I wasn't motivated to knit it. This past week, I finally reached the point of grafting the toes, and wove the ends in on Thanksgiving to finish the pair. And boy was I thankful to have them finished.
I still really like the look of the socks as designed, and I might be able to do it if I knit them individually as the designer anticipates, but I think I will have to chart them out entirely to be pleased with the result.
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