Our progress in the basement was delayed when we started working on costumes for Dragon*Con, such as what we did with the fiberglass.
In the main area of the basement, we have trimmed all of the drywall at approximately chair-rail height (33"). On Saturday, we finally got the chance to pick up drywall, thanks to Scott's dad. We cut each 8' sheet into thirds (32") and installed it below the remaining existing drywall. We will cover the gaps with chair-rail and baseboard molding. We decided to use greenboard, which is water and mold resistant (and paperless wasn't available in the retail store) just in case something happens again, if it isn't there long, we might be able to just scrub it down. Worst case, we remove the chair rail, rip it out, and replace it easily easily.
We installed one long wall of drywall on Saturday, which I have taped and mudded since.
Sunday, we took a break and went to Detroit Fanfare and got some crazy deals on comics. I then headed to the Detroit Zymology Guild to can tomatoes (and drink Bloody Marys made from the fresh tomato juice). After that I got to have dinner with Gerite, fabulous blogger of New Blog for Better Sewing fame, at Toasted Oak.
More work to do this weekend.
I love the costumes!!! They're fabulous!