We chose the Victory Cocktail this week wes had special things to celebrate this Wednesday. I passed the LEED Green Associate exam! I came across several versions of the Victory Cocktail recipe, with slightly different ratios and quantities, but I settled on the recipe posted by Erik Ellestad on the Savoy Stomp. We tried the original recipe Erik mentioned, but we agreed that we preferred his twist, which I am sharing here.
Victory Cocktail
1/2 Grenadine
1/2 Absinthe
Juice 1/2 Small Lemon (or about 1/2 oz Fresh Lemon Juice)
Shake well over ice, strain into champagne flute, and fill with soda water. Garnish with lemon twist.
The victory: this was a really nice drink. At the reduced quantities, it's not very strong, but the flavor is lovely, and I think it was the right intensity. We like interaction with the soda water. The lemon made the balance better, made it less cloying, and toned back the grenadine, allowing the absinthe to shine, but still be balanced with the sweetness of the grenadine.
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