On Friday, our friend Dave came over and helped unload my shipping containers. I made chicken enchiladas for everyone using some of the tomatoes and peppers from the garden. Then this weekend, we arranged the furniture and unpacked a lot of my things.
As you can see, there is a lot more to unpack and even more to put away. Most of my things are in the room that Scott rented out to friends in the past. It will be a combination of a craft room, office and guest room.
We put my tall bookcase in the dining room. It now holds board games and reference books.
Scott put his dresser next to the bed and we moved the chest to the bottom of the bed so that I could fit my dresser in the room.
Next, I need to figure out what to do with all of my kitchen things.
Saturday, we went to Scott's middle brother's house for the Michigan game vs. Notre Dame, after which Dave had us over for salmon and steak on the grill. Sunday, Scott's parents had a birthday party for Scott's youngest brother, and we came home with more equipment for the kitchen -- most of his parents' canning supplies. Adventures in canning, here we come!
P.S. If you're reading, please feel free to leave comments!
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